Project Updates

Friday, August 27, 2010 Build

Hey there!  Thanks for checking out the Tengoku Blog.  This is where I'll be posting updates, and they should be more or less weekly, so why not subscribe to the feed, or click the follow button?

I want to announce a  new alpha build that is up on the project page.  Click to go to the download page and download it:

See docs/changes.txt for what's new.

This revision is a big one.  Lots of bugs were fixed, and lots of essential features were added.  The previous alpha builds were "source code proofs" more than anything, and I had no real idea how stable things were.  Now I am starting to see Tengoku become solid, although it has become a little more complicated than I expected.  The gametest_02 contains an odd little interactive example / CPU stress test.  All of the other apps are currently broken.

If you were having problems trying to see the library in action, running gametest_02 *should* work for you this time - I hope.

If you find any bugs (or have trouble running anything), PLEASE, let me know!  I have a limited ability to find everything on my own and I'll appreciate any feedback, even mean/bitchy ones.  (I'll continue developing, since I know this engine will be useful to me no matter what.)  Kind ones are cool too, though!  ;P